Yesterday, 6th July, we were able to resume training, albeit in a slightly different style to usual. The squad headed to Lloyd Park and undertook circuit training, whilst maintaining social distancing. There were three circuits - one running, one fitness and one ball skills. Each circuit had 5 activities. The squad was split into three groups and each group rotated through a circuit, then around the different circuits. It was great fun for us all to be able to get active again whilst catching up.
At the end of the session, we were able to present our End of Year trophies to the relevant winners, with each one being presented by England and Surrey cricketer Bryony Smith.
Big thanks to all who joined in with the session, David Smith for running it, Bryony Smith for presenting the awards and Rachel Smith for photographing the event.
If you would like to join in next week, Monday 13th July, please let Emma Smith know. Once again it will be 6pm in Lloyd Park (CR0 5RA).